Freeze it for 10 minutes and then apply it on your face

The work presented here produced surfaces with a stable surface potential, the polarity of which was determined by the feed gas. Doping in water and/or ammonia molecules into inert feed gases was found to change the polarity of the surface potential. The use of the theory of electrowetting to decrease the WCA of DBD plasma treated surfaces was successful, although only a small decrease in WCA was observed on the charged surfaces.

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Ghazi, Mohammad Ebrahim (2002) High resolution x ray scattering studies of charge ordering in highly correlated electron systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.12MbAbstractMany important properties of transition metal oxides such as, copper oxide high temperature superconductivity and colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) in manganites are due to strong electron electron interactions, and hence these systems are called highly correlated systems. These materials are characterised by the coexistence of different kinds of order, including charge, orbital, and magnetic moment.

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