Politicians are very aware that the electorate has a very short memory. Bill Bennett’s Socred Government introduced a discriminatory practice in ICBC back in the late ’70’s, when he took office n95 mask, requiring that single males under 25 pay a much higher premium to get vehicle insurance regardless of their driving record. The very next election he ran on the platform that he was going to take this discriminatory practice out of ICBC, never once reminding everyone that he put it in.
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However if we take a look at his real record we discover an oxymoron. He was a co founder of the Reform Party who wanted to ditch the senate and become an independent country from Britain. The entire Reform Party movement was to change the way Canada was run.
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n95 face mask About 2.20am today (29 December) a year old man was arrested after testing positive at a roadside breath test in Marvell Street, Byron Bay. The P2 driver was taken to Byron Bay Police Station where he allegedly returned a reading of 0.275. The man, from Moggill in Queensland, was charged with high range PCA n95 face mask.